The essence of Talaia Plaza EcoResort

Commitment to the planet is in our DNA. As part of our sustainable practices and in order to reduce the impact we generate, housekeeping will only be done when booked beforehand and it comes with a surcharge, part of which will go to our Plaza Terra Viva Foundation. You can request this service at the Front Desk.

Housekeeping is done every three days and involves freshening up the room, which includes cleaning and changing the towels and sheets.

The room rate includes one change of sheets and towels every three days.

Cleaning service fee: €25.00/hour. Subject to availability.

Remember, every drop counts

Join us in the conservation of this resource

  1. Turn off the faucet while washing your hands and brushing your teeth.
  2. Take shorter showers.
  3. Report leaks or plumbing problems. Run the dishwasher only when full.
  4. Use water as efficiently as possible.

Thank you for your contribution!

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